University of Washington – Law, Societies and Justice – Assistant Professor

Law, Societies and Justice – Assistant Professor (AA25395)

Position Overview

Organization: College of Arts and Sciences, Law, Societies, and Justice
Title : Assistant Professor
Search Number : AA25395

Position Details

Law and Society Studies. The Department of Law, Societies, and Justice invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor.  Preference will be given to candidates with a teaching and research program that complements and extends one or more of the Department’s existing emphases in the following areas:  comparative legal analysis; legal mobilization and consciousness; punishment and social control; and rights in theory and practice. The Department seeks candidates who demonstrate excellence in research, teaching, and a commitment to building a more inclusive faculty.
The successful candidate will possess either a 100 percent appointment in Law, Societies, and Justice, or a joint appointment with another unit in the social sciences. University of Washington faculty engage in teaching, research and service. Candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent foreign degree in a relevant social science discipline prior to the appointment start date. This position has a 9-month service period.
Law, Societies, and Justice offers an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree, and a graduate-level certificate program for students with research interests in socio-legal studies. Its faculty are trained across the social sciences, and most possess a joint appointment with another unit. The successful candidate will be required to teach an introductory-level course on socio-legal studies and to develop a suite of upper level courses commensurate with the candidate’s expertise.

Application Instructions

Applications should include a current CV, a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, samples of publications or other work, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three letters of recommendation. Candidate materials should be electronically submitted to with which letters will be solicited for separate submission. Priority will be given to applications received before October 5, 2017. Questions about the application process should be directed to: Professor Katherine Beckett, Search Committee Chair;

University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, protected veteran or disabled status, or genetic information.




